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Amanda Stark
Nov 29, 2022
Create Smoother Transitions
By implementing these transition rituals, you'll be more present, have more mental energy and get more done.

Amanda Stark
Nov 23, 2022
Thank You
Thank you for bringing witchy magic into your life. You are helping overturn centuries of patriarchal prejudices that kept women powerless.

Amanda Stark
Nov 15, 2022
Don't Forget
You deserve to care for yourself because you are a valuable, worthy, magical being. Not just so you can care for others.

Amanda Stark
Nov 8, 2022
It Does Make a Difference
The truth is your individual decisions and changes do matter and they do have an impact on those around you. Just like your vote.

Amanda Stark
Nov 1, 2022
November 1
How can you make the most of the next 61 days? Start January with a head start over where you'll be if you give up on the year.

Amanda Stark
Oct 25, 2022
The In Between
When you slow down, embrace your current reality & trust the goal will manifest when the timing is right. That is where the magic happens.

Amanda Stark
Oct 5, 2022
The Witching Hour
Let's create our own personal Witching Hours. The time in our lives where we stop taking shit from other people.

Amanda Stark
Sep 28, 2022
The Meaning of Fulfilled
Do you feel fulfilled or unfulfilled most days? If you're not finding fulfillment in your days right now, it's time for a change.

Amanda Stark
Sep 21, 2022
How's Your Balance?
Balance doesn't always mean equal. It doesn't necessarily mean spending equal time at home and at work. Or equal time alone or with others.

Amanda Stark
Sep 15, 2022
Time to Celebrate
It's easy to notice and celebrate the big wins. But when you only celebrate those major wins, you miss out on so much.

Amanda Stark
Sep 6, 2022
The Importance of Space
I've challenged myself to allow some space each day & use it for what my body & intuition needs. Without judgment. I'm inviting you along.

Amanda Stark
Aug 31, 2022
Your Reason is Good Enough
Decide what you want. Believe that is all the reason you need. Make decisions from there.

Amanda Stark
Aug 25, 2022
It's All About the Details
We entered Virgo season early Tuesday morning which means right now is all about the details. Start looking for small shifts you can make.

Amanda Stark
Aug 16, 2022
Finding Emotional Balance
Our Solar Plexus determines how we experience emotions. Understanding this helps us avoid feeling bad unnecessarily.

Amanda Stark
Aug 9, 2022
What it Means to be Feminine
I see women looking to masculine standards like income, titles &status. When what they want is work/life balance & feel purposeful.

Amanda Stark
Aug 2, 2022
Does This Week Feel Intense?
When you understand your Human Design chart & anticipate where you might encounter challenges or stress, you can be more prepared.

Amanda Stark
Jul 26, 2022
This One Time at Trader Joe's
How often are you limiting yourself instead of looking for solutions? Your brain finds answers for what you're asking.

Amanda Stark
Jul 19, 2022
Your Inner RBG
I'm a coach because there are so many women, even hugely successful women, who hold themselves back from their big dreams.

Amanda Stark
Jul 12, 2022
Time to Check In
Tomorrow's full moon in Capricorn mirrors the astrology we experienced on January 2. Making it a perfect time to check in with your goals.

Amanda Stark
Jul 5, 2022
An Ineffective Response
When you're thinking about making a change or doing something new, your brain thinks you're in danger.

Amanda Stark
Jun 7, 20241 min read
Your Magical Makeover
Join Radiate Confidence: your magical makeover where you'll learn to be radiantly confident using the practical magic of Human Design.

Amanda Stark
May 30, 20242 min read
Get Rid of Energetic Baggage
Your open centers accumulate beliefs, ideas and energy that don't belong to you so you end up with energetic baggage weighing you down.

Amanda Stark
May 22, 20242 min read
How to Radiate Confidence
Radiantly confident people look inside of themselves for answers on what to do, how to do it and who to be.

Amanda Stark
May 16, 20242 min read
The Broken Record in Your Brain
I can help you with your repeating stories that are keeping you feeling blah & stuck. Bring them to my Open Coaching Call on May 22.

Amanda Stark
May 9, 20241 min read
What I Hear During Coaching Sessions
I'm hosting an Open Coaching Call & you're invited. Come experience what it's like to work with me & get tips for using your Human Design.

Amanda Stark
May 2, 20242 min read
Get More Done With Less Effort
When you put yourself first you have more time, more energy & get more done. You'll be amazed at how much more vibrant & alive you'll feel.

Amanda Stark
Apr 25, 20242 min read
Are You a Priority?
Making yourself a priority isn't about squeezing yourself into the edges of your life. It's restructuring the flow of your daily life.

Amanda Stark
Apr 18, 20242 min read
What If It's Not True
What if that thing that you've taken on as a fact about you isn't true at all? It's time to challenge those ideas.

Amanda Stark
Apr 11, 20243 min read
What I Do
As a coach my job is to help you be aware of what you're doing in the here and now, take credit for what's going well & change what isn't.

Amanda Stark
Apr 4, 20242 min read
Life is Hard - Don't Make it Harder
Life can be hard. But you're probably making it harder than it has to be.
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