Today is December 14. And for the first time in many, many years I'm about 80% done with my Christmas shopping. I'm going to start wrapping presents tonight.
And, most significantly, I'm not dreading the holiday.
Want to know what I've changed compared to years' past?
I've started setting and honoring boundaries around the holidays.
Last year, with my kids all celebrating with their other parent/family, that meant I opted out of almost everything. I know that's not a choice everyone wants to make, but it worked for me and I loved it.
But a boundary doesn't always have to mean saying no or opting out. It does mean deciding what works for you and what doesn't. And then only doing the things that work for you.
This year I'm hosting Christmas Eve and am actually excited about it. Along with the rest of my holiday plans.
Because I gave myself permission to say no, the yeses feel freely given.
Making it easier to get started on the shopping, wrapping, food planning and everything else.
I used to spend these few weeks stewing in resentment and dread. I would resist the fact that Christmas was coming whether I was ready or not. And then I'd be in a frantic, overwhelmed, frenzy trying to pull it all together at the last-minute.
Which meant I was exhausted and grouchy while the festivities were happening. Instead of being present with my kids and family, I was wishing it could be over.
This year feels different for me. And it can for you too.
I still have some available spots next week for Holiday Boundary Crafting Sessions.
This is a single session with me where using your Human Design as a guide, I will help you set clear boundaries for the holidays, create a plan to enforce them and prepare for any conditioning, obstacles or guilt that could keep you from following through on the plan.
The boundaries could be saying no to some or all holiday festivities. Or it could be a plan to participate as normal, but prepare for the inevitable family interactions that set your teeth on edge and make your blood boil. So you don't spend your time in anxiety, overwhelm, resentment and dread.
Cheers to your best holiday yet!