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Get More Done With Less Effort

Amanda Stark

Last week I shared some signs that you aren't making yourself a priority. If you said yes to any of the five signs it's time to shake things up and put more of a focus on you.

Here's how to make yourself a top priority:

1 - Decide on some daily activities, rituals or practices that aren’t just part of life, like showering, that will help you feel balanced and energized.

2 - Put one or two of those things on your calendar every day and make them non-negotiable.

3 - Remember: the fact that you want to do something is a good reason. No further justification is required.

4 - Stop telling yourself that you don’t have time unless you get up earlier or stay up later. It’s not true.

5 - Be prepared for it to feel uncomfortable at first. Have a plan in place for when you want to go back to your old habit of putting yourself last.

I know you think you can't do this because you have too many other responsibilities and obligations. Which is why you haven't been making your wants and needs a priority.

But what actually happens when you put yourself first is that you have more time, more energy and get more done.

Think about it. How much time do you spend mindlessly scrolling, zoned out in front of the TV or staring at a blank computer screen?

That happens because you aren't doing anything for you. Like a plant you've forgotten to water, you're shriveling and shutting down. Give yourself what you're craving and be amazed at how much more vibrant and alive you feel.

Want some support and guidance as you implement these changes? I can help you create a structure for your life that puts you front and center and that's based on your Human Design. We'll take into account how you work best, where you're likely to feel to guilt and pressure to override your own needs and how to make sure you're operating at peak energy levels.

By doing this work with me, my clients have told me how much more confident and in control they feel in their lives while also being more relaxed and at ease than ever before.

Does this sound like something you want to experience? Schedule a consult so we can talk about what working together would look like for you specifically.

During the consult we'll talk about what you're looking for and what's missing. I'll lay out a process to help you get there. And then we'll decide if we want to move forward. Either way, you'll get info about your chart and some strategies you can implement right away.


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